Etsy: 3D printed is handmade

November 5, 2013 - Comments - 0 comments

According to this NPR story , Etsy has clarified their position that 3D-printed objects that you create yourself is considered to be in the same vein as handmade products.  This is great news for 3D-designers that would like to directly sell the designs that they have created, rather than to refer people to sites such as Shapeways or Ponoko.

Of course, in practice, there has already been a number of 3D-object sellers on Etsy. A number of our friends and customers do that already:

But it's nice to have Etsy state this much more explicitly!

Hat-tip: 3D Prints of the World 

P.S. Did I miss anyone else that I know that sell 3D printed items on Etsy? Drop me a line!

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