Printer-Induced Resonance

January 11, 2014 - Comments - 0 comments

As I write this, the OneUp printer is sitting on the kitchen counter printing out gifts for my nephews, and I've been noticing an interesting phenomena for the last ten minutes....

As the printer is doing the infills, it is exciting the resonance frequency of our kitchen! It started out with faint rattling of the pots and pans in the oven about 5 feet away.  As it is reaching higher layers of the tapering walls, the infills are getting shorter, the progressively higher frequency is getting closer to the peak frequency.  I can now really feel the floor and my chair shake underneath me, and the rattling is taking longer to decay...

For a while now, I've known that Slic3r has an option to limit infill speeds to avoid resonant frequencies... the idea being to avoid frequencies that would shake the printer apart...  But *this* was a little unexpected...

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